The Makarov Page - How to link to:
The Makarov and 9x18M Reloading pages
Copy the following code:
<a href="http://makarov.com/index.html">
The Makarov Page</a> - Makarov information, FAQL, pictures,
links, and much more!
To get this text only link:
The Makarov Page
- Makarov information, FAQL, pictures,
links, and much more!
Copy the following code:
<a href="http://makarov.com/index.html">
<img src="http://makarov.com/maklink.jpg" Border=0></a>
To get this banner:
Copy the following code:
<a href="http://makarov.com/makload.html">
9x18 Makarov Reloading Page</a> - Introduction to 9x18Mak, detailed
instruction, load data, and vendor info.
To get this text only link:
9x18 Makarov Reloading Page
- Introduction to 9x18Mak, detailed
instruction, load data, and vendor info.
Copy the following code:
<a href="http://makarov.com/makload.html">
<img src="http://makarov.com/makad.jpg" Border=0></a>
To get this banner:
[Main Makarov Page]
[Makarov FAQ]
[Makarov Links]
[Makarov Reloading Manual]